Author: vosborne

I don’t normally do this, but I feel I must. There is a very dangerous book out there, and I am positive that beginning writers should steer clear. I realized not long ago that there were very few blog reviewers that covered writing books. I read...

  I am positive that there are way too many writer’s blogs out there. So I am just going to concentrate on my observations and maybe some tips along the way. Looking back over the history of storytelling we see a pattern emerge. Before the written word...

It always happens.  You polish your manuscript to a spit polish. Replace your computer do to water damage, and then the publishers say. "We would like a 1-3 page synopsis.  Ack, your hair stands on end, you grow wild-eyed. How do I compress at 100k...

After a long busy weekend I spent the day working on my novel Red Sails in the Morning.  I found myself back in Sladyn's head.  Sladyn is a challenging character. He is deeply conflicted. Right now he is being manipulated by a couple of minions...