The work stutters

The work stutters

After a long busy weekend I spent the day working on my novel Red Sails in the Morning.  I found myself back in Sladyn’s head.  Sladyn is a challenging character. He is deeply conflicted. Right now he is being manipulated by a couple of minions of the dragon. But he has sworn allegiance with the female dragon Cindar, so they are in essence helping him.

I started working today at 8 am and stopped for a light lunch at noon, and continued writing until 5 pm.  A full day, but I found myself pushing through this scene. Earnest Hemmingway one time said to a reporter that he stopped writing right in the middle of a scene climax so he would approach the next day with a renewed sense of energy. I did that as well.

I also built a bit more on my island map. The islands are so diverse and full of life. I find as I explore the islands, different towns and villages with their own cultures pop out. Creatures, and plants make themselves known.  Holly Listes said don’t built too much of your world to start with, let it build as you discover it.  Good advice from a wide lady.

Oh well here is my excerpt.

Van helped him drag chain and settle the logs on the belt. The log slid through the sharp saw, splitting in half. The men wrestled the log back on the belt and ran it through the saw again.

“I might know of a boat.” Weven grinned, and a trick of the sun reflected an orange glint in his eye.

“How?” Sladyn rolled his shoulders back, and a cool draft wafted down between his shoulder blades.

“It won’t be much of a boat.” Weven wrestled another log onto the saw. “It might sink, but maybe it will get you off the island. Come out tonight at the eastern shore and I will meet you there.”

The owner of the mill came and talked with Ril about the amount of wood processed. Citizens were leaving the villages and Isoner moving to the capital Torwald.


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