Oh where did the time go

Oh where did the time go

It has been awhile since I have posted a blog. I got a day job the first of this year. It sapped all my energy and stilted my writing. In order to kick start myself I did the NaNoWriMo challenge and failed, falling about 16000 words shy of 50k. This is the first time that I have done the challenge and failed. Why did I fail? Time management.

I started to check out books on writing faster. You have got to love Kindle you can get all kinds of books for very little money, and the authors that produce six or more books a year all have time management and record keeping on the word count. Also many of them use Dragon software to speak their books into the computer.

My own goals were much more modest. I want to publish three books a year. One of my Jason and Mortyiene Mystery, one in my epic fantasy trilogy, and one in my Lovecraftian Horror that surrounds a creepy small city near a volcano.  Three books a year seems doable.

Perhaps the greatest bit of advice came from a fast word smith that explained she used the pomodoro technique. Curious I went searching around the web for more information. I learned that there are several parts to the pomodoro technique but it is fun and easy. First you make lists of things that you need to do. You start with a master list, then a daily to do list. After you get your lists set up, you tackle one project at a time for 25 minutes of intense focus. Then after 25 minutes you get a 5 minute rest. After four of those 25 minute work sessions you get a 15 minute break.

Wow, that made a huge difference. While I was taking care of the little guy just doing the pomodori I finished writing the first draft of my third Jason and Mortyiene books. I finished writing the first of my Firemountain Chronicles, and I finished the first part of the 8th round of revisions for Red Sails. I also found that I was more likely to stay awake and more on top of taking care of the little guy. If you are looking for a way to break up your writing into smaller chunks I highly recommend that you check it out.

Another new thing is that I have started a publishing company. I have named it Azure Spider Publications. It is brand new and is focusing on the niche market of epic fantasy, science fiction, and horror. I am also extending out to small works for Lovecraftian horror. I got my first query not long ago and I am very excited about it.

So as I wrap up 2015 I am looking forward to 2016 with bright shiny new projects and a platform for my own novels. I truly hope that people will take my little publishing house seriously, we provide editing, some marketing, and we pay in royalties. It is a labor of love to help authors get started in the world.

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