Do you want to increase your word count? This book will help you out.

Do you want to increase your word count? This book will help you out.

2,000to 10,000 How to write faster, write better, and write more of what you love.
This handy little book instructs and informs about how to write more. If you are serious about being an author you need to address this as a profession. She builds it on a triangle. !st plot or outline. If you know where you are going then you know where you will write. This cuts out dead ends and strange meanderings. The second leg of the triangle is record you time. By keeping records of how much work you do you can track your efficiency. The third leg is enthusiasm, if you are looking forward to the scene and your task for the day you will naturally fall into the flow.
With so many books out on the market and the boom of self publishing you must embrace the old notion. Publish or perish. I am an avid user of the pomodoro technique to track my writing and the amount of time I spend revising, writing, outlining, or proof reading. This has allowed me to get a whole lot more work done.
I give this little book 4 stars. It is chock full of information and handy tips. The writer leads you to believe that you can indeed write 10k words a day, and have them be the best words you can write.

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