My First Blog entry on my website

My First Blog entry on my website

As the 21st century marches on, I have learned that all authors need a website. I spent the day building my first, this one in fact. I have learned a lot, including that pushing buttons may result in errors.  My cat learned some new words today, ones that I forgot I knew.

The whole experience has left me struggling. I have a huge pile of edits stacked on my desk. I have a couple of writers groups that I am in. I also started a good reads ad campaign and I am giving away 5 more books.  I simply didn’t get enough people writing reviews. So I guess that means that tomorrow I will be editing and seeing what joyful bits of nothingness I can share with the world.

Being a writer, for me at any rate, has been a wild and harrowing journey. I think about my old friend, Jean Johnson now a famous romance writer, and her start. Harry Potter Erotica Fan fiction anyone.  My own start, getting a degree and just writing.  Now I have a publisher, albeit small press, a website, an author profile on Amazon and Goodreads.  I love to help people and give them pointers on writing. The most important thing I can say is please don’t wait until after you are published before you really start to promote your book. The days of big dollar publishing budgets, and extended book tours are gone. Unless you are famous, you will have your book out there swimming in shark infested waters trying to grab any attention. I believe this is the case all over the world.

Well today my brain hurts, and my blog post won’t be that long.  Check in to see more of it in the next few days.

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