The Snowflake Method is Interesting

The Snowflake Method is Interesting

The Snowflake Method could work.

Today I talk about a small book called “How to write a novel using the Snowflake Method” by Randy Ingermanson. This presents a combination of outlining and organic writing.

He uses the metaphor of Goldilocks at a writers conference to present his ideas. Goldlilocks always wanted to be a writer, but she was trapped in the practical career, the caring for her children, and in general following the good advice people gave to her about her jobs and careers.

She goes to a writers conference and with baby bear finds a style just right for her.

The method is using a mathematical system that starts out with a big picture and putting in more and more detail until you have a rich tapestry of deep characters, complex plots with lots of twists and a finished book.

I have recommended this book to several of my friends who are failed organic writers as a means to add structure and form to their story. Those that are hard core outliner will find this book too organic.

The book presents some interesting thoughts, and exercises, and the use of children’s story book characters makes it very friendly. However, it is just another writing book, it didn’t make me go wow, nor did I want to throw it across the room. If you are wanting something to help you structure you writing but you don’t want to embrace an outline then possibly this book is for you. It is not a bad book, it is a book with some interesting theories.


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